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Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to Use Social Bookmarks for Internet Marketing

Guest Post by Chester Chen

There are millions of sites out there and it is impossible to remember all of them. But who says you have to remember them. But who says you have to remember them? You can bookmark it using and come back later.

Social bookmark is an excellent way to share any blog post or videos that you find interesting. Internet marketers and search engine specialists know this very well and they have spent a considerable amount of time to leverage the system for their business.

There are hundreds of social bookmarking sites available out there and it would probably take more than a few hours just to submit them to 100 of social bookmarking sites. You might not have the time to do it yourself so how do you still get the backlinks for your sites? Simple, just outsource it to specialist who is providing social bookmarketing service. They might have the network of friends who will like your story and help to increase your rating.

A backlink from social bookmark is considered as a do-follow link and this increase your ranking score on search engines. If done correctly, you target audiences will bookmark your website too and your backlinks will increase exponentially.

You can take advantage of social bookmarks by using your targeted keyword for the bookmarks title. This is an excellent way for you to increase your link popularity.

You need to be creative with your title and tag your website with your targeted keywords. So this will lead other to your website when they type in your keywords. This can be the difference of having a number of backlinks from your own bookmarks o massive and instant traffic to your sites. This can help you to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars from paying for PPC campaigns just to get targeted traffic to your sites.

But you will have to make sure your submission is relevant. Don't even think of spamming your own links because that might be counter-productive. You are given about 100 words in the description section but that doesn't mean your should include your keywords more that once on it.

Other members might not be happy with what you're doing and flag your submission. You don't want that to happen because it could be getting your account suspended.

Internet marketers understand the power of social bookmarks and they will not hesitate to outsource the dirty job of building backlinks from these sites. After all, it is impossible to do it by yourself when you have 20 blogs that you update on daily basis.

Social bookmarks can also be a great source for you to find relevant information that you can use to grow your business. Who knows you might stumble upon a site that provides WordPress olugin that you don't even know for your search engine optimization campaign.

Author Bio
Chester Chen discusses about Internet marketing strategies on his blog. Be sure to visit it on daily basis to learn how you can increase your profit without burning your pocket.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Develop Your Skill of Making Money Online in XsitePro Club

Are you planning to start making money on the Internet in year 2009? If your answer is yes, you are going to need to develop your skill and gain the necessary knowledge.

You will need to build a website, know the effective ways to optimize your website and learn the web marketing strategies and techniques so that you can generate revenue from the site.

One good place to build up your skill and knowledge is the new Internet marketing resources site called Xsitepro Club founded by Paul Smithson. As Xsitepro just open, Paul is offering a free 30 day access to the money making resources inside the club. You will find training videos and useful content to start and run a website and an online business.

You may take the 30 days free access offer to grab all of the great content that is going this month. No membership fee you need to pay during the 30 day free trial period. You can keep all the resources of the month even if you cancel within the trial period. To become a member of Xsitepro Club, just go and click the big 'Join Now' button at the bottom of the site.

Duplicatable Systems Are a Must Have For Network Marketers

Guest Post by Greg Mangin

It's an unfortunate truth that a person cannot be duplicated. Your unique blend of personality, skill, expertise, and persuasion makes you a successful salesperson. But you can't clone your traits and pass them on to your protégés. Instead, you have to find or develop a duplicatable system that can be used again and again for repeated success for all of the network marketers in your downline.

Why is a duplicatable system so important? Think of the outdated network marketing model that began with your friends and family. Marketers were advised to recruit the people they knew and loved. But this made for some awkward and uncomfortable moments on both sides. What if the marketer's friends and family weren't interested in the venture? Would they cause tension by saying, "Thanks, but no thanks"? What if they signed on because they felt obligated, but their hearts weren't in it? Plus, this system is very limited. Once you run out of friends and family, what do you do? Become a salesperson making cold calls, that's what.

Now let's compare that model to a duplicatable system of the past. It used to be a popular strategy to hand out audio tapes at network marketing seminars. Why? Because that approach took advantage of targeted marketing; that is, the people who were being marketed to already had a proven interest in network marketing, or else they wouldn't have been at the seminar. Targeted marketing has a proven advantage over cold calling or other non-targeted approaches.

Secondly, the audio tape tactic was duplicatable. Anyone could record an audio tape full of useful information to be distributed. And anyone could accept such a tape, listen to it, and decide to join in on the action. It was a convenient strategy that didn't turn marketers into uncomfortable salespeople. It worked.

Fast forward to the era of Web 2.0 marketing. If you want to be a success, you've got to have a system with a proven success rate. It's not enough to build a web site and hope that people will visit it; you've got to entice them into stopping by, browsing around, and, eventually, signing up. If readers see valuable content on your site, they'll spend more time there and they will return - with friends. So be sure to give them something valuable as a reward. One popular duplicatable system involves e-book downloads.

Picture it: a reader stops by your site and sees a link to a free download. They read through a quick preview of the e-book's contents and decide that it sounds like a good way to spend their time. They download the e-book, read it, and get blown away by the specific helpful advice they find inside. Hyped up by what they read, they return to your site and leave comments, ask questions in the message forum, or share helpful information of their own. Now you've got a lead on someone who really wants the help you have to offer. Get a dialogue going, get them recruited, and share your system with them.

Doesn't that sound a lot better than hitting up friends and family members? Not everyone can work up the courage to tap a cold market, but anyone can post a link to an e-book on their blog or web site. Your recruits will use the same system to recruit others, building your downline and theirs in a replicating system of income. That's the beauty of a duplicatable system in action, and that's why you need one now.

Author Bio
Greg Mangin is a professional engineer and network marketer coaching a team of profit conscious entrepreneurs to make an income from home. Greg can be contacted through his website where you can get your own duplicatable, branded, customizable marketing system at or personally at 812-582-039.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How Making Money Online Is Easy When You Know The Basics First

Guest Post by Jim Wilson

Making money online is really quite simple once you have the basics down. You need to learn to walk before you expect to run a marathon, so goes, the business of making money online. The best way to make money online, is to learn from the newspaper boy who stands on the busy street corner selling papers.

You see the newspaper boy is young and knows very little about the world, yet he goes about his task of selling his papers, calling out; "Get Your Paper, Breaking News! Get Your Paper Now!" His only task, is to sell the information that is contained within the papers he peddles. He knows little of the information contained inside the newspapers, but he knows that selling his information is his primary goal.

Selling information, is primarily what the business of information online is all about. The need to know and the instant access, has made making money online a multi-billion dollar business. To get your share of this wonderful business of making money online, is readily available and a simple task, once you learn the basics of making money online.

The myth that it "takes money, to make money" is just that, a myth. You can sell other people's products and information, receive a generous payment, and repeat this process indefinitely. The more you continue to learn along the way, the better you become at your online efforts. Just be sure and learn the basics and you'll succeed much faster at making money online.

Author Bio
If you are seriously considering making money online, learning the basics of online marketing and how to get started absolutely free, you owe it to yourself to get the right information from someone who knows and has succeeded at making money online.

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